

RRMASRI Research & Consulting as a duly established Canadian Federal entity, will endeavor to contribute, primarily, to the Bridging of constructive communication between the Western World and the Middle Eastern cultures by contributing to enhancing exchanges between the cultures of these two important blocks of humanity. RRMASRI Research & Consulting will endeavor to increase awareness of mutual national sensitivities and concerns of the people of these two worlds, as well as promote mutual understandings among the cultures and institutions of these two important human blocks based on the commitment to indisputable principles of the Universal Values of Liberty, Justice and the upholding of human rights.


RRMASRI Research & Consulting will be solely dedicated to several cardinal issues relating to advancing the causes of Religious Reform and the Cause of a just, durable and a genuine lasting Peace in the Middle East.

Religious Reform and Enlightenment entail the taping into the huge progressive works, studies and commitments of Reformists, past and contemporary, with the ultimate purpose of creating a higher popular awareness ofthe reformists’ works, arguments, debates and postulations. However, most importantly, rendering the huge body of well-researched scholarly contributions pertaining to Religious Reformmore readily known and more accessible to the general public in the Arab World. This is a quintessential step on the long road to Religious Reform to enhance universal communication and adherence to universal values as prerequisites to wider inclusiveness and harmonious coexistence among nations.

Furthermore, RRMASRI Research & Consulting seeks to contribute to establishing the foundations of a just and lasting Peace based on the tapping into the silent enlightened constituencies among the Palestinians and Jewish people towards the promotion of Just peace and harmonious coexistence based on the principles of justice, freedom and human rights. This requires thinking and operating by committed intellectuals and political activists from a new different paradigm that one can rightly term as The Third Way.

A Third Way Movement would espouse a program of peaceful co-existence on the basis of none-sectarianism; secularism and the ultimate fostering of a civil society based on the respect Right of Human Rights and the Rule of Law as applied equally and fairly on all citizens.

The Creation of a Third Way as spurred by enlightened Palestinian and non-Zionist Israeli and World Jewry intellectuals and political activists would, inevitably, act as a Connect, a conduit to enhance world awareness and the tapping into the rising momentum of Western awareness and sympathies with the plight and legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.


The Object of RRMASRI Research & Consulting is to engage in general research and general consulting activities; however, with special emphasis to achieving a number of main objectives to promoting and developing better dialogues and understandings with regard to certain main socio-political and socio-economic issues of concern and consequence for the Arabs and the Palestinians as relate to their legitimate aspirations and connection to the world, mainly enhancing inclusiveness on the basis of shared Universal values.

The Objectives of RRMASRI Research & Consulting predicate on the following:

The Promotion of activities relating to Religious Reform. This encompasses, possibly among others:

    1. The Critical scrutiny of the Religious Heritage and Associated Historical Narratives.
    2. Identifying respectable scholarly endeavors, writings and generally scholar contributions by recognized authors that are pertinent to Religious Reform initiatives, past and contemporary.
    3. Encourage the popularization of the arguments and promote the accessibility of the published works of scholars of Religious Reform by deploying modern and creative methods to render the materials and the endeavors of those scholars more readily accessible and affordable by the general public.
    4. Organize periodical forums, seminars, talk shows, debating circles, etc. to encourage dialogue, improve communication and enhance awareness of the issues on more factual and critically scrutinized basis.
    5. Sponsor, where affordable, the works and publications of bona fide religious reformers.
    6. Others.

Promoting the Concept and the Formation of the “The Third Way” Movement

    1. Develop a clearer concept of the Third Way project and the movement.
    2. Tap into relevant research materials and previous related initiatives.
    3. Identify potential enlightened leaders on the Palestinian, Arab, Non-Zionist Israeli and World Jewry sides who could participate in sponsoring the initiative and earnestly participate in pushing this endeavor towards ultimate formation and realization.  Readily comes to mind by way of examples non-conventional persons like Omar Barghouti, Hatem Bazian, Ilan Pappe, Shlomo Sand, Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, etc.

The Promotion of activities relating to Religious Reform. This encompasses, possibly among others:

    1. The Critical scrutiny of the Religious Heritage and Associated Historical Narratives.
    2. Identifying respectable scholarly endeavors, writings and generally scholar contributions by recognized authors that are pertinent to Religious Reform initiatives, past and contemporary.
    3. Encourage the popularization of the arguments and promote the accessibility of the published works of scholars of Religious Reform by deploying modern and creative methods to render the materials and the endeavors of those scholars more readily accessible and affordable by the general public.
    4. Organize periodical forums, seminars, talk shows, debating circles, etc. to encourage dialogue, improve communication and enhance awareness of the issues on more factual and critically scrutinized basis.
    5. Sponsor, where affordable, the works and publications of bona fide religious reformers.
    6. Others.

Promoting the Concept and the Formation of the “The Third Way” Movement.

    1. Develop a clearer concept of the Third Way project and the movement.
    2. Tap into relevant research materials and previous related initiatives.
    3. Identify potential enlightened leaders on the Palestinian, Arab, Non-Zionist Israeli and World Jewry sides who could participate in spsoring the initiative and earnestly participate in pushing this endeavor towards ultimate formation and realization.  Readily comes to mind by way of examples non-conventional persons likeOmar Barghouti, Hatem Bazian, Ilan Pappe, Shlomo Sand, Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, etc.

Promoting communication, interaction and dialogue among the enlightened thinkers in the Western World and the Middle Eastern World by means of:

    1. Active participation in targeting audience through Publications, writings and selective articles.
    2. Maximize reliance on the deployment of the Internet and Social media, side-tracking controlled traditional media, and the training of volunteer and committed staff to carry the task.
    3. Develop more comprehensive organized approaches and closer collaboration with Human Rights Organization and Human Rights Agency.
    4. Improve the documentation and recording of the Israeli occupation authorities’ violations of the International Law and Human Rights.
    5. Develop more focused and more effective Lobbying effort to targeting opinion leaders and none partisan decision makers.
    6. Publishing a Bi-weekly Newsletterthat could ultimately, even from the start, develop into an electronic newspaper with others selectively contributing their articles electronically.  The Newsletter will cover relevant political and economic developments of importance and potential impact.
    7. Publication of Frequent pertinent articles.
    8. Monthly report/Summary covering important and significant events that could influence future political and economic trends of relevance.
    9. Participate, potentially, as a Guest Speaker and in Panels organized at research centers, Universities and special seminars.
    10. Publication of Books addressing relevant core issues.


R.R. Masri, the Founder, will at the start assume the management of the operations of RRMASRI Research & Consulting pending the ultimate full institutionalization and the broadened participation by others towards the ultimate fulfillment of the Company’s objectives. One hopes, ultimately, other people would join in RRMASRI Research & Consulting’s initiatives towards maximization of the general benefits in the service of the intended higher purpose.  This includes trustees, writers, volunteer workers and a few well-trained staff.

The incorporation and institutionalization of the Founder’s long individual and personal endeavors into a duly registered entity, RRMASRI Research & Consulting, shall provide higher flexibility; more weight and more credibility vis-à-vis third parties. In particular, this refers to other respectable World Research Centers; Think-Tanks; pertinent agencies and relevant departments of reputable Universities.

RRMASRI Research & Consulting hopes to connect with the above institutions to eventually tap into their relevant research materials, ultimately develop a more effective and a more durable interactive mode with their scholars, researchers, operatives and organizers.

This, with the further objective of garnering outsourced assignments with selective institutions including the development of better informed specialized position papers and relevant reports of relevance and importance in the areas and domains where RRMASRI Research & Consulting can be capable contributors. All this would be widely shared for general benefit and development of a better-informed judgment.

RRMASRI Research & Consulting hopes to launch from the start a dedicated Newsletter cum an electronic newspaper that would welcome contributing writers’ articles and opinions.

The Founder, R.R.Masri, will direct his efforts at the on the development of the concepts and the Modus Operandi of RRMASRI Research & Consulting’s activities. Besides, the Founder will dedicate most of his efforts at the start to promotional endeavors introducing RRMASRI Research & Consulting and its objectives to potentially receptive scholars; intellectuals; political analysts; Western Strategic Research & Think Tank Institutions; as well as potential donner agencies, sponsors and enlightened philanthropist activists.  The Founder is expected to spend at the start, at least during the first six months to a year, more time on the road calling on and the visiting with of specifically targeted institutions and scholars to introducing RRMASRI Research & Consulting and the garnering of their supports and potential commitments.

Funding, is considered crucial for the success of the implementation of RRMASRI Research & Consulting’s objectives, would be important. For, beside dipping into the modest personal resources of the Founder and the early contributions of some committed philanthropists; it is hoped that funding could potentially flow from certain institutional and certain major individual contributors who can identify and associate with the value and importance of RRMASRI Research & Consulting’ objectives and endeavors.