RRMASRI Research & Consulting Inc as a duly established Canadian Federal entity, will endeavor to contribute to the Bridging of constructive communication between the Western World and the Middle Eastern cultures by contributing to promoting enlightened Religious Reform in the Arab World intending to mitigate the obstacles of free-flow of exchanges and communication between the cultures of these two important blocks of humanity. This, with the ultimate purpose of the enhancement of wider public awareness of the theses of past, contemporary and future Religious Reforming thinkers and scholars in the service of the promotion of social harmony and the stemming out of potential extremism.
RRMASRI Research & Consulting will endeavor to promote mutual understandings among the cultures and institutions of these two important human blocks based on the commitment to the indisputable principles of Universal Values of representative Democracy, Liberty, Justice and the unflinching respect of human rights.
RRMASRI Research & Consulting will be solely dedicated to several cardinal issues relating primarily to advancing the causes of Religious Reform as equally conducive to meaningful sustainable socio-economic development and the advancement of Peace and stability in the Middle East as equally conducive to world peace.
RRMASRI Research & Consulting intends to concentrate and specialize in institution and capacity building to foster existing and future Religious Reform initiatives and endeavors that would jump start and speed up Religious Reform and Enlightenment in the Middle East.
RRMASRI Research & Consulting entails the creation of a permanent supportive organizational framework that will enhance synergy and facilitate networking;provide organizational and logistical support that will strengthen the effectiveness of the endeavors of proponents of the Religious Reform movement in the Arab world. A special emphasis will be assigned to target Muslim Expatriates and Muslimminorities in Europe and North America through enhanced public awareness that would potentially facilitate the process of assimilation and integration into the host Western Communities.
However, most importantly, the purpose of RRMASRI Research & Consulting’s mission would, by priority, concentrate onrendering more readily accessible and enhancing awareness by the general Arab public of thealready existing huge body of well-researched contributions by a wide network of Arab Scholars and thinkers of Religious Reform, past, presentand future contributions that thus far failed to reach and influence the shared outlook of the wider Arab general audience.
RRMASRI Research & Consulting hopes to equally engage in the promotion of peace and harmonious coexistence in the Middle East that is based on the principles of justice, freedom and the respect of human rights. This entails complementing the endeavorsof committed enlightened intellectuals and political activists engaged in the launching of a departing new paradigm of a Third Way.
A Third Way Movement aims at breaking away from the lingering stalemate precluding the prospects of a lasting Peace that can only be founded on the fostering of a Civil Society based on consensual non-sectarian secularism, respect of Human Rights and a just society.
The enhancement of a Third Way movement spurred by enlightened Palestinian and non-Zionist Jewish intellectuals and political activists would, inevitably, act as a conduit to enhance world awareness and garner improved understanding of the plight and legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people that would benefit and serve the general interests of all concerned and world peace.
The Object of RRMASRI Research & Consulting Inc is to engage in general research and general consulting activities; however, with the ultimate objective of providing a wider organizational framework and the logistical support to facilitating communication on the basis of shared Universal values between the Middle Eastern people and the rest of the world civilizations; however, foremost,with the neighboring Western World.
The Objectives of RRMASRI Research & Consulting predicate on the following main activities and sub-activities:
The Promotion of activities relating to Religious Reform that encompasses, among others:
- The Critical scrutiny of the Religious Heritage and Associated Historical Narratives.
- Provide an Organizational and the Logistical Framework to Identifying and lending support to credibleindividual and organizational Arab scholarly endeavors, writings and scholarly contributions by recognized authors and entitiesthat are actively engaged in the promotion of Religious Reform.
- Enhance the synergy by committed Religious Reform scholars and activists through networking, closer cooperation and the lending of organizational and logical support towards the popularization of well scrutinized research works and the promotion of the accessibility of the published works on religious reform.
- The deployment of modern and creative methods of communication to popularize the works of religious reform scholars and organizations.
- The primary objective of RRMASRI Research & Consulting is the wide dissemination of information to render the materials and the works by active Religious Reform scholars more readily accessible and affordable by the general public.
- Organize periodical conferences, forums, seminars, talk shows and debating circlesto improve communication and enhance awareness of Religious Reform issues on well-debated and critically scrutinized bases.
- Endeavor to continuously identify and enhance networking among credible thinkers and scholars of Religious Reform; this, besides, rendering organizational and logistical support to facilitatethe abilities of scholars of religious reformto share, distribute and to disseminate their theses and the publication of their worksto the widest Arab Audience of varied levels of cognitive and intellectual abilities.
- Maximize reliance on the deployment of the Internet and Social media and the training, in due course, of volunteer and committed staff to carry out the tasks.
Contributing, as a secondary side endeavor, to the further development of the Concept of the “The Third Way” Movement
- Contribute to the Development of a clearer concept of the Third Way project and the movement.
- Tapping into relevant research materials and previous related initiatives.
- Brainstorm and dialogue - towards a better crystallization of the concept and the paradigm of a Third Way - with enlightened Palestinian and non-Zionist Jewish thinkers and scholars engaged in the development and the promotion of a genuine lasting peace and harmonious co-existence between the Arab Palestinian and Jewish people
Develop more open communication, interaction and dialogue between the Western World and the Middle Eastern World by means of:
- Targeting prospective audience of selective opinion leaders through Publications, writings and selective articles.
- Maximize reliance on the deployment of the Internet and Social media as effective low-cost modes of communication.
- Develop closer collaboration with Human Rights Organization and Human Rights Agencies.
- Publish a Bi-weekly Newsletterthat could ultimately develop into an electronic newspaper inviting selective contributionsby serious writers.
- Frequent Publication by the founder of editorials on the Blog section of the Website of subjects of pertinence.
- The Founder’s participation as a Guest Speaker and in Panel Discussions organized at research centers, Universities and special seminars.
- Publication of Books covering subjects of relevant core issues.